The Original Social Network

Small Groups
Small Groups are fellowship opportunities during our programming year, September through May.
20/40 Group
We are a group of people in our 20s through 40s who are interested in trekking through the terrain of young adulthood, relationships, parenting, grad school, and more in a faithful community setting. We are single, married, and parents, and a very laid back group. We gather at church Wednesdays from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Childcare is provided. Questions? Please contact Lily Tinker Fortel.
Text Breakfast
Darcy Crain leads this breakfast discussion group that meets Wednesdays, 8:30 – 10 a.m. at Alpha Diner (4389 Jackson Rd). We discuss the scripture for the upcoming Sunday sermon, sharing our understandings, insights, and our questions. It’s an informal group that will offer you insight and nurture, whether you can attend weekly or just drop in, check it out! Questions? Please contact Darcy Crain.
Tuesday Night Series
Want to try a small group but don’t want to commit to something for months on end? Then our Tuesday Night Series is for you. We meet on Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30 p.m. in the Mayflower Room. At TNS, we view and discuss a variety of relevant and interesting theological issues. The different series often last 5 to 8 weeks, with scheduled breaks between series. Everyone is welcome! Questions? Please contact Darcy Crain.
Mind & Spirit Book Group
The Mind and Spirit Book Group is a community of women of all ages. We enjoy reading and sharing our life stories as a means of personal and spiritual growth. The Mind and Spirit Book Group meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 10:15 -11:45 a.m in the Mayflower Room. To learn more please contact Gail Haynes.
Circle of Friends
Circle of Friends connects church members who are experiencing life transitions, such as moving, a job change, retirement, caregiving, divorce, grief, injury, illness, surgery, and decreased mobility with other church members in a one-to-one relationship. Friends get together with friends once a month to share a caring connection and to deepen their relationship. We value caring at FCC, and we take that value seriously! Questions? Please contact Nancy Sauve.