Text:  “Rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing,” Proverbs 12:18 NRSV.


Recently I received a phone call from a friend who, when talking about the stay at home order, made the remark, “I wonder how many babies will be born in December and January…and how many divorces will occur in the fall?”  He was, of course, just joking around. However, when I was reading from Proverbs the other day, and came across this verse from Proverbs 12:18, it did make me think about his comment. Certainly one of the good things about this extended period of staying at home is the opportunity we have to connect and reconnect with others. Personally, I have enjoyed seeing whole families walking around our neighborhood, or playing games in their yards, or doing art projects with chalk on our sidewalks.  Nevertheless, I also know that such 24/7 closeness can sometimes bring the challenge of too much togetherness with others, even people we love dearly, and with it can come tension and short tempers. I think it is here that our Proverb speaks to us with a word of appropriate caution, reminding us to work at keeping our words gentle, nurturing, uplifting, and positive. So then, today, may your words be carefully chosen to bring healing and comfort and support to those with whom you are connected, perhaps especially to those with whom you reside.


Loving God, grant us your peace, and courage, and strength this day.  May our words be constructive and caring today as we seek to bring light and hope to others.  Amen. 

Focus for the Day:

Today I will try to be intentional and speak to others with graciousness and positivity, as I also try to hold back any words or comments that could be hurtful.

Author:  Bob Livingston