Senior High Ministry
FCC’s high school youth meet twice monthly on Sundays. On first Sundays, we gather for Brunch Bunch following 10am worship. This is an opportunity for discussion and community building with one another, our youth volunteers, and our staff. Junior High youth also meet for Brunch Bunch. While youth are meeting with volunteer leaders and Lily Tinker Fortel, parents are invited for brunch and conversation with Darcy Crain.
On third Sundays, high school students meet during 10am worship for discussions on religion and ethics. Discussion topics are driven by our students and are facilitated by one of our ministers and our adult youth leaders.
The High School Youth generally meet once each month for special service and fellowship events. Past events include movie nights, corn mazes, Neighborhood Senior Services, and Cass Community Center in Detroit.
Senior High Service Trip
Each summer, our senior high youth go on a weeklong service trip. Past trips include: Costa Rica, Manhattan, Milwaukee, and Detroit. Our youth have served in urban and rural and domestic and international locations. Our service trips provide youth a well-rounded experience. We deepen our understanding of various needs in our world, we explore how our faith calls us to respond with compassion to those needs both with service and societal change. Adult volunteers provide support, supervision, and encouragement during these student-led experiences.