What to Expect
Where do I park?
There is a small church parking lot reserved for those with mobility issues and visitors directly behind the church. Street parking is free on Sundays. There is a U-M surface lot near the church, accessible off Thompson Street. There is also a parking structure on Maynard Street which is free on Sundays.
What will the service be like?
The 9 a.m. service is very casual and has a coffeehouse vibe. The 10 a.m. service follows a more traditional order of worship, including unison readings, prayers, and hymns. Both services last approximately 50 min. to 1 hr. Summer worship is at 10 a.m. and utilizes a variety of traditional and contemporary musical and liturgical elements.
Is there a dress code?
There is no dress code. On a given Sunday you will see everything from suits to jeans in both worship services. Please join us in whatever is comfortable for you.
Where do my children go during a service?
Nursery care is available for children newborn-2 years old with screened and consistent childcare workers. If you’d like to keep your infant or child with you in worship, you are more than welcome to do so. Please feel free to move about during the service as needed. Church school begins with preschool (3-5 years) and continues through high school. Preschoolers may be dropped off before the service and checked into their class, or they are welcome to participate in Children’s Circle ( 10 a.m. only). Children’s Circle is a time when children are invited to come forward with the pastors for a special children’s message towards the beginning of the service. Afterward, the children are invited to church school. Parents are welcome to walk down after children’s circle to see where their child will be during worship. Following the service, parents pick their children up from the lower level Christian Education wing.
Further questions? Please contactFCC Kidz.
Who is welcome?
Everyone is welcome… infant, child, and adult. Whatever your story, you’re welcome here.
Who is invited to take communion?
The communion table is open to anyone who seeks and responds to Christ’s love. That includes children, adults, baptized, unbaptized, members, and non-members.
Do you have a stance on LGBTQ inclusion?
We believe that all people are created in God’s image and welcome all people into the full ministry of our church, including all sacraments, leadership roles, and the ritual of marriage.