“Looking Up During Uncertain Times”

A Daily Devotional

Text:  Mark 14:43-52 International Children’s Bible

Scripture Reading: 

Jesus Is Arrested

43 While Jesus was still speaking, Judas came up. Judas was 1 of the 12 followers. He had many people with him. They were sent from the leading priests, the teachers of the law, and the Jewish elders. Those with Judas had swords and clubs.

44 Judas had planned a signal for them. He had said, “The man I kiss is Jesus. Arrest him and guard him while you lead him away.” 45 So Judas went to Jesus and said, “Teacher!” and kissed him. 46 Then the men grabbed Jesus and arrested him. 47 One of the followers standing near drew his sword. He struck the servant of the high priest with the sword and cut off his ear.

48 Then Jesus said, “You came to get me with swords and clubs as if I were a criminal. 49 Every day I was with you teaching in the Temple. You did not arrest me there. But all these things have happened to make the Scriptures come true.” 50 Then all of Jesus’ followers left him and ran away.

51 A young man, wearing only a linen cloth, was following Jesus. The people also grabbed him. 52 But the cloth he was wearing came off, and he ran away naked.


A kiss of betrayal, a sliced off ear, and a streaker are all part of the story of Jesus’ arrest. Jesus was aware that his arrest was predicted and had to happen to fulfil the written prophecies. Do you think Jesus knew his arrest would be so dramatic? Even with all of the drama around him, Jesus seemed to stay mostly cool. How do you think you would have reacted?


Dear God, please help us to think clearly in difficult situations. Amen.

Focus for the Day: Sealed with a kiss! 

Author: Rachel Dudley, Director of Children’s Ministry