God’s steadfast love endures forever!  

Scripture Reading:  Psalm 136


I knew I would hear it sooner or later!  Someone wondered aloud if the current COVID-19 was something ordained by God as a punishment for humankind’s sin or lack of faithfulness!  So today, I want to go on record saying God does NOT send calamity, pandemics, suffering, and disaster onto humankind. No…as the psalmist reminds us in Psalm 136, in every and all circumstance of life, good times and bad times, “God’s steadfast love endures forever!’  In other words, God’s love never quits. God’s love never languishes. God promises to be with us in our everyday…bringing us peace and strength, hope and optimism. The truth is, we live in a naturally evolving universe…a universe with stars and planets, animals and plants, quarks and microbes, viruses and bacteria, and all sorts and kinds of other amazing things.  Viruses happen, even harmful viruses like COVID-19, simply because they are a part of God’s natural order. They are not a punishment. My hope for you today is that you are able to live with the knowledge of God’s steadfast love for you and for all…trusting today in God’s unrelenting presence and care. May God’s blessings and peace be with you.  


Loving God, give us eyes of faith today to perceive your steadfast love and care which is always reaching out to us.  May we be able to see beyond what is, to something more and to something once again good. When we begin to wonder where you are within the uncertainties of life, help us to remember that your will for us is always good and that your love for us never quits.  Be especially with those today who are working diligently on our behalf…even sometimes with great risk to themselves. And also be with those who may be suffering today in body, mind, or spirit. Still our souls, O God, and lift our spirits. Amen.   

Focus for the Day:  God is a God of steadfast love and goodness.

Author:  Bob Livingston, Senior Minister